Date | Day | Start | Rink | Opponent |
11/26/99 | Friday | 7:10-8:20AM | Laurel-Logsdon | Reston vs TriCity |
11/26/99 | Friday | 8:30-9:40AM | Laurel-Logsdon | Howard vs Chevy Chase |
11/26/99 | Friday | 9:50-11:00AM | Laurel-Logsdon | Hurricanes vs SI Rangers |
11/26/99 | Friday | 11:10AM-12:20 | Laurel-Logsdon | Brick vs Quakers |
11/26/99 | Friday | 3:30-4:40PM | Laurel-Logsdon | Chevy Chase vs Hurricanes |
11/26/99 | Friday | 4:50-6:00PM | Laurel-Logsdon | Quakers vs Reston |
11/26/99 | Friday | 5:20-6:30PM | Laurel-Patrick | SI Rangers vs Howard |
11/26/99 | Friday | 6:10-7:20PM | Laurel-Logsdon | Tri City vs Brick |
11/27/99 | Saturday | 6:30-7:40AM | Columbia | Howard vs Hurricanes |
11/27/99 | Saturday | 7:50-9:00AM | Columbia | Chevy Chase vs SI Rangers |
11/27/99 | Saturday | 9:10-10:20AM | Columbia | Reston vs Brick |
11/27/99 | Saturday | 10:30-11:40AM | Columbia | Tri-City vs Quakers |
11/27/99 | Saturday | 4:10-5:20PM | Laurel-Logsdon | S-Final Emerald 1 vs Silver 2 |
11/27/99 | Saturday | 4:50-6:00PM | Laurel-Patrick | S-Final Silver 1 vs Emerald 2 |
11/28/99 | Sunday | 8:20-9:40AM | Columbia | Finals |
Laurel - The Gardens Ice House
13800 Old Gunpowder Rd., Laurel, MD
(301) 953-0100
From Baltimore: I-95 South to 198 West (Burtonsville). Left at second
light onto Old Gunpowder Road.
Rink is about 1 ½ miles on the right past the swim center.
From Washington: I-95 North to Rt. 212 East. Turn left onto Old Gunpowder
Rd. The rink will be 2 miles
on the left, just past Green Castle Rd.
Thunderhill Rd., Columbia, MD
(410) 730-0322
I-95 to Rt. 175 West toward Columbia. Turn left on Thunderhill Rd. and
follow to the rink about 1 mile on
the right.